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2009-4-17 9:55:16 哈尔滨百姓网 来源:百度空间 浏览 次 【 】【打印】【关闭


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000">
<h2 align="center"><font face="华文新魏">欢迎查看chenyangasp演示程序</font></h2>
on error resume next
if table<>"" then
   response.write "数据表:"&table
Set primary = con.OpenSchema(adSchemaPrimaryKeys, _
         Array(empty, empty, table))
if primary("COLUMN_NAME")<>"" then
end if
set primary=nothing
   <table width="650" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
     <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">  
       <th class="sundog" width="61">  
         <div align="center">字段</div>
       <th class="sundog" width="131">  
         <div align="center">类型</div>
       <th class="sundog" width="105">  
         <div align="center">设定大小</div>
       <th class="sundog" width="69">  
         <div align="center">允许空值</div>
       <th class="sundog" width="69">  
       <th class="sundog" width="81">主键</th>
<%sql="select * from ["&table&"] "
   set rs=con.execute(sql)
   for i=0 to rs.fields.count-1
     <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">  
       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="61">  
         <div align="center"><%=rs(i).name%></div>
       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="131">  
         <div align="center">  
select case field_type
     case adEmpty
       typ = "Empty"
     case adTinyInt
       typ = "TinyInt"
     case adSmallInt
       typ = "SmallInt"
     case adInteger
       typ = "Integer"
     case adBigInt
       typ = "BigInt"
     case adUnsignedTinyInt
       typ = "UnsignedTinyInt"
     case adUnsignedSmallInt
       typ = "UnsignedSmallInt"
     case adUnsignedInt
       typ = "UnsignedInt"
     case adUnsignedBigInt
       typ = "UnsignedBigInt"
     case adSingle
       typ = "Single"
     case adDouble
       typ = "Double"
     case adCurrency
       typ = "Currency"
     case adDecimal
       typ = "Decimal"
     case adNumeric
       typ = "Numeric"
     case adBoolean
       typ = "Boolean"
     case adError
       typ = "Error"
     case adUserDefined
       typ = "UserDefined"
     case adVariant
       typ = "Variant"
     case adIDispatch
       typ = "IDispatch"
     case adIUnknown
       typ = "IUnknown"
     case adGUID
       typ = "GUID"
     case adDATE
       typ = "DATE"
     case adDBDate
       typ = "DBDate"
     case adDBTime
       typ = "DBTime"
     case adDBTimeStamp
       typ = "DBTimeStamp"
     case adBSTR
       typ = "BSTR"
     case adChar
       typ = "Char"
     case adVarChar
       typ = "VarChar"
     case adLongVarChar
       typ = "LongVarChar"
     case adWChar
       typ = "WChar"
     case adVarWChar
       typ = "VarWChar"
     case adLongVarWChar
       typ = "LongVarWChar"
     case adBinary
       typ = "Binary"
     case adVarBinary
       typ = "VarBinary"
     case adLongVarBinary
       typ = "LongVarBinary"
     case adChapter
       typ = "Chapter"
     case adPropVariant
       typ = "PropVariant"
     case else
       typ = "Unknown"
   end select
response.write typ%>
       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="105">  
         <div align="center"><%=rs(i).definedsize%></div>

       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="69">  
         <div align="center">  
   if (attrib and adFldIsNullable)=0 then
     response.write "No"
     response.write "Yes"
   end if


       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="69">
         <div align="center">  
<%if rs(i).Properties("ISAUTOINCREMENT") = True then%>
           <input type="checkbox" name="autoincrement" value="checkbox" checked>
           <input type="checkbox" name="autoincrement" value="checkbox">
<%end if%>         


       <td class="sundog" height="2" width="81">  
         <div align="center">  
           <%if rs(i).name=primarykey then%>
           <input type="checkbox" name="primarykey" value="checkbox" checked>
           <input type="checkbox" name="primarykey" value="checkbox">
           <%end if%>


     <%next %>
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